
Minecraft giftcode giveaway! [Free Premium Account] (OPEN!)

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Halloween Party 2013 Cheats

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Hey space heroes, Supekid here. The Halloween Party has begun. Here is the badge.
Here is the home screen.

The party is pretty much the same as last years. The same 2 pages of Halloween party items are back.
Here is the gift catalog.
There is also a new edition of the Galactic Times.

Is this your first Halloween Party?


Halloween Cheats 2013

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Hey penguins, if you want to see the cheats for the Halloween party and other Club Penguin cheats go to to Club Penguin Galaxy. I will no longer post CP cheats here. I will only post Space Heroes Universe cheats here.
Until next time, waddle on.


CPG My Penguin Party.

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I have exiting news! CPG will open soon and I will post all of the CP cheats there. To celebrate this I will be hosting 2 parties 1 on my penguin (details below) and one online. I will see if I can get Arronsonic, Trainman1405, Saraapril and Monchocho to come.

Watch my twitter account SuperkidSPG for more details.Tell me how you found CPG in the comments  See you soon and Waddle On.


New Igloo Catalog

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Hey penguin s new igloo catalog is out, with one new igloo.

What do you think?