
Space Heroes Universe 2013 Video

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Hey space heroes today is the 31st of December the last day of 2013 so I decided to release a video to commemorate 2013 in SHU. Here it is

What was your favorite party in SHU this year.
Comment bellow. Happy new year.


Kritters renamed

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Hey space heroes, you may have realised that some of your kritters have the name Player 1. This is because you can no longer name your kritters whatever you want. You can only name them from a list of names. This is similar to the Hero Name Picker. Except you only choose one name instead of two.
Until next time remember to feed your kritter.


Christmas Party 2013

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Hey space heroes, the Christmas Party on SHU has begun. Here is the home page.
The Plaza is covered in snow.
You can also throw snowballs instead of bubbles while wearing a space suit. Click on the bubble blaster icon and then click on the snow ball. When you blast some one they will look like a snowman for a second.
There is also 2 pages of Christmas furniture for your homepad.
You can give your friend some Christmas gifts from the gifts catalog.
Until Next time merry Christmas.

Hero Name Picker Workaround

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Hey space heroes, today when I logged on to SHU so see the Christmas Party I got a pop up telling me to change my name. Don't worry there is way around (it may not always work because they might fix it).
DON'T CHOOSE ANOTHER NAME OR CLICK OK. Simply reload the page and log in again and the Hero Name Picker shouldn't appear. You will still have your old name!
Until next time.
-(still) Superkid